Ayça Pınar Doğan
3 min readMay 19, 2020

things men told me


i love you.

you’ll stay stupid even if you go to Oxford.

it’s not like i really cheated on you.

your eyes are like the sun. and just like the world needs the sun, i need your eyes in my life.

you look SO great. did you lose weight?

your writing sounds like you are depressed and you want to kill yourself.

i wish i loved you, i really did but i love her and she loves her husband.

you are the worst, you always make me feel bad.

you are the one for me.

i know i promised to stay in touch but i didn’t because i was in love with you.

you have beautiful eyes. i disappear in them.

you are quite extraordinary.

you have communication problems.

you talk too much in the class. boys don’t like smart women.

you are selfish for not asking for money from your parents for masters.

you are not as intellectual as i am. i listen to classical music and read books. you don’t. i never saw you read a book.

you pave your own way in the world and I really respect that.

you are too sarcastic. sometimes i don’t understand if you are joking or serious.

i can’t be with you. i am 25. i want to find the mother of my children and settle down. you want to see the world.

i hope you’ll pay for making me suffer one day.

i manipulated you.

you won’t break up with me cause you are not brave.

i really need you to tell me what you are exactly feeling.

i hope we can stay friends.

i can’t ask you to wait for me.

you don’t even know how to make tea properly, how are you going to become the woman of your house?


i dreamt we were together.

i lied to you.

i drag you deep and you don’t deserve that.

you are so nice.

dump your boyfriend and come outside with me.

you are my best friend.

your nose is too long.

if you love me, why won’t you sleep with me?

you are doing just fine in life.

stop laughing, you are annoying me!

they heard, everybody is talking about you now.

you are drunk.

i wasn’t that drunk.

we will see each other again next year.

you just want a sad story.

just a warning, don’t clap in the middle of the recital.

i knew you turkish girls are all the same.

i want to see the world with you.

no one loved you as much as i loved you.

i know you are not dating me for my passport.

i will hold you.

you have a huge ass. i was talking to my colleague about it yesterday.

i know i told you i was in love with you but i didn’t know what to do with it so i panicked.

what do you think we’ll do? just hold hands by the Danube like teenagers?

you stupid bitch.

i am proud of you.

are you insane?

you pretend to be nice all the time because you want people to like you.

wherever we are or whatever lives we have, i will always love you.

whatever said to me.whichever truth and whichever lie. i write them all on a piece of paper and burn it. they have no value anymore, they hold no power or validation or hurt or wisdom or compliments. they matter no more.

my mind frees you all.